The Return of a Couple Classic Deadlands Files

Published On: December 4, 2018Categories: News

For fans of The Great Rail Wars, our fast-playing and easy-to-learn skirmish-level game set in in the richly detailed and exciting background of the hit Deadlands roleplaying game, you’ll be happy to know that The Great Rail Wars: Reinforcements is now back on the virtual shelves of our store!

Reinforcements features extra copies of the unit cards you get in The Great Rail Wars, plus six color versions of the premade heroes featured in The Great Rail Wars rulebook. You’ll also find some frequently asked questions and blank troop cards for you to create your own desperadoes.

And if Deadlands: Hell on Earth Classic is more your cup o’ radioactive tea, be sure to grab a copy of Leftovers, a classic, full-length Dime Novel and adventure set in the post-apocalyptic Weird West.

This particular tale of terror won an Origins Award for Best Fiction!