The Return of the Wild Die Podcast

Published On: March 3, 2020Categories: News

They say you can’t keep a good podcast down, and that can certainly be said for the Wild Die Podcast, a Savage Worlds podcast that originally premiered in November 2015 and then fell silent at the end of 2019.

Well, this week marks the triumphant return of the show, now in a new, shorter format and featuring co-host, Karl Keesler of Trailer Park Shark Attack fame.

The latest episode focuses on the recent Savage Cruise as well as GenghisCon, plus they also provide listeners with 10 excellent reasons you can use to convince your game group to give Savage Worlds a try.

Be sure to subscribe to the Wild Die Podcast (find links on their site), follow them on Twitter and Facebook, and consider supporting the podcast through their Patreon!