The Savage Cruise is Out on the High Seas

Published On: January 28, 2020Categories: News

The Savage Cruise has officially set sail to adventure in three exciting ports, over seven days, with 50 games, and 100 Savage Worlds fans!

The organizers hope this will be the first of MANY Savage Worlds destination events they’re calling “Expeditions,” and if you have any ideas about where they should go in 2021 — maybe a long weekend in Deadwood or Tombstone? A World War I/II tour in the UK, France, or Germany? A Path of the Ancients tour in Rome, Greece, Turkey, or Egypt? Or perhaps a Civil War or Americana tour of Historic USA? — email your ideas or requests for updates to the Rocky Mountain Savages.

And be sure to keep up with the latest updates from the cruise itself by following #SavageCruise and #SavageCruise2020 on social media.