This Week in the SavageUniverse
Prepare for some Fast, Furious, Fun media over on our official Twitch channel with yet another amazing journey into the heart of the SavageUniverse!
📺 This Thursday starting at 10 p.m. Eastern, host J-M DeFoggi is joined by Brandon Verhalen of Ace licensee Star Anvil Studios for an in-depth discussion about their current Kickstarter for the Secret World-North America for Savage Worlds:
The Secret World: North America focuses the story on the Illuminati and the North American Region.
- New Players Options
- New Cryptids
- 7 New Locations
- 3 New Interconnected Adventures
Visit their Kickstarter page today to pledge your support!
Find Savage Worlds livestreams like this each and every week on our official Twitch and YouTube channels.