This Week in the SavageUniverse
Prepare to rocket into the swirling heart of the SavageUniverse for yet another Fast, Furious, and Fun interview over on our official Twitch channel!
📺 Thursday night starting at 10 p.m. Eastern, J-M is joined by representatives from Ace licensee, Star Anvil Studios (Accursed, SAINTs and Synners) to discuss their current Kickstarter for the Secret World for Savage Worlds!
The Secret World for Savage Worlds is an adaptation and continuation of FunCom’s iconic MMORPG. Within the book you will find rules for creating your own chosen hero, or “bee,” gain information on factions to join, and arm yourself with fantastic abilities that give you a fighting chance to stop the world around you from crumbling into oblivion.
The Secret World’s take on urban horror, ancient conspiracies, and secret societies is the perfect fodder for amazing stories to be told and games to be played!
Get your questions ready and join us on Twitch this Thursday night at 10 p.m. for a deep dive into the Secret World!