Todd Breitenstein Memorial Fund

Published On: March 26, 2013Categories: News

06-ZombieRun_Breitenstein_Edition-1Todd Breitenstein and his family, “Killer” Kerry (also of Doomtown fame), Jonathan, Alex, and Marissa, are dear friends of ours. Todd left us on March 24th.

He was best known for his constant smile and his games–Twilight Creation’s Todd Breitenstein’s Zombies, along with many others (including Deadlands Slaughter Gulch). Dave Aikens, Todd’s friend and illustrator of all the Zombies series, also did the cover for us on Zombie Run.

To honor his memory, all sales from this edition of our best-selling Savage Tale of all time, Zombie Rungo directly to his family. Please give what you can. The original price of Zombie Run was $7.99, but all contributions are appreciated.