Triumph for the Lankhmar: Savage Seas of Nehwon Kickstarter

Published On: May 22, 2018Categories: News

Thanks to many of you, our Booster Kickstarter for Lankhmar: Savage Seas of Nehwon was a smashing success!

For those who missed out on all the excitement, our brief Kickstarter focused on the Savage Seas of Nehwon, a brand new sourcebook for Lankhmar: City of Thieves for Savage Worlds.

Savage Seas of Nehwon contains everything a Game Master needs to create incredible tales of high sea-based adventures for Lankhmar or ANY fantasy Savage Setting. It includes overviews of the various seas and Lankhmar’s docks and harbors, new Setting Rules, statistics for the various ocean-going vessels of Nehwon, a complete adventure generator, a selection of sea-based Savage Tales, new denizens of the deep, and much more!

We’ve also got some incredible add ons and rewards coming your way including a set of four 28mm metal miniatures, character archetypes, Table Tents, One Sheet adventures, and A Night of Blood and Teeth by Shane Hensley, an adventure hearkening back to the one he wrote for the 1996 Dungeons & Dragons box set!

If you missed out on the Kickstarter, hang onto your rilks. We’ll release the Savage Seas of Nehwon PDF here on the site once the Kickstarter backers have theirs. Later we’ll post about the pledge manager survey and invite late backers to join us for the physical rewards (and get comp PDFs of the printed material, plus the Booster Rewards). So keep one eye open—it’s a good habit to have in the City of Thieves anyway—for all our Lankhmar updates.

And be sure to check out the fascinating article Gaming in the World of Fritz Leiber’s Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser that traces things back to the birth of fantasy roleplaying all the way up to Lankhmar: Savage Seas of Nehwon! Find this article over on Unbound Worlds, a website dedicated to the literary worlds of science fiction and fantasy.

The high seas of Nehwon are almost ready for you and your crew of heroes and rogues!

Yes, I want to hear about new products, sales, and news from the community!
