Two Weeks Left for the Savage Heroes Bundle of Holding

Published On: July 23, 2019Categories: News

With the rights for Solomon Kane reverting back to Cabinet Entertainment at the end of this year, the current Savage Heroes Bundle of Holding is a great way to get your hands on DRM-free .PDFs of The Savage World of Solomon Kane ™ rulebook and all of the supplemental material for a bargain price!

Along with Solomon Kane, this Bundle of Holding also includes additional Savage Worlds game settings including Fear Agent™The Goon™, and The Sixth Gun®.

Plus, you’ll also get a copy of the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer’s Edition rulebook to play the books as-is, and conversion documents for those wanting to play with the new Adventure Edition core rules.

You have just two weeks left to get in on the action, so don’t miss out!

Note that a portion of all proceeds from the sales of this Savage Heroes Bundle go to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, so not only will you be grabbing a deeply discounted assortment of gaming goodness, you’ll also be helping a great cause!