Upgrade Your VTT Accessories for Deadlands: the Weird West
You’ve got your rulebooks, your adventures, and your character and critter token sets. Now round out your collection of VTT accessories with these all-new Bennies, Power Cards, Harrowed Cards, and Area Effect Templates for Deadlands: the Weird West!
Select and track your spells, miracles, and devices with the complete deck of VTT Deadlands: the Weird West Power Cards.
Check the extent of your area effect attacks using the VTT Deadlands: the Weird West Templates featuring Small, Medium, and Large Blast Templates as well as Cone Templates presented in both shrieking Spirit and raging Storm themes.
See what your Manitou has on its twisted agenda should it decide to take control of its host with the FREE VTT Deadlands: the Weird West Harrowed Cards.
And no Deadlands: the Weird West game would be complete without a set of VTT Deadlands: the Weird West Bennies, here featuring artwork from the core rule book and the Deadlands: the Weird West Companion.
No matter which virtual tabletop you use, these accessories will help make your sessions look great and run smoothly. Get the goods today!