Using Savage Worlds for Actual Play Podcasts on Tabletop Tango

Published On: December 14, 2021Categories: Media, News

If you haven’t been watching Tabletop Tango over on YouTube, hosts Carl and Eric have devoted a number of episodes to Savage Worlds including a recent episode titled “Using Savage Worlds for Actual Play Podcasts” which offers some great information about running APs.

In this episode, Carl is joined by special guests from Savage Tales of Eberron and Knights of the Smith Dinner Table, who are currently running the Legend of the Ramblehouse Saints campaign for Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds.

If you’re thinking of streaming an Actual Play and would like to know more about how to engage with your audience, which apps work best, how to promote via social media, and how Savage Worlds is ideal for your campaigns, be sure to give episode 87 of Tabletop Tango a look-see!