Weird Wars Bundles in Honor of Veterans Day
Tomorrow, Wednesday November 11th, Veterans Day honors those persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
To mark this occasion in true Savage Worlds style, we are offering some incredible Weird Wars bundles packed with everything you need to bring history’s greatest battles (with more than a few supernatural surprises) to your tabletops!
For the glory of the empire, the Weird Wars Rome Bundle gets you everything for Weird Wars Rome in print and virtual, including PDFs, ebooks, and a soundtrack, all for just $99.99! This includes the core setting book, GM Screen + Nox Germanica Adventure, combat maps, archetypes, figure flats, and more.
Jumping ahead several centuries, our Weird War I Print Bundle drops you into the heart of No Man’s Land with an array of essentials including limited edition hardcover core books, War Master Screen + Raid on Fort Douaumont adventure, combat maps, Bennies, dice, figure flats, archetypes, and more, all for only $139.99!

For just $29.99, enter the Second (Weird) World War with our Weird War II Virtual Bundle containing PDFs of the core setting book, adventures, and a couple thrilling Wendigo Tales ebooks.
Fourth, our Tour of Darkness Bundle takes the conflict into the jungles of Vietnam with the core setting book in hardcover, along with PDFs of the GM screen inserts, figure flats, and the Tour of Darkness Player’s Guide, all for only $24.99.
And finally, we are offering a special Harlem Hellfighters Bundle for just $5.99 with all proceeds going to the Innocence Project.
This bundle includes Hellfighters, a Plot Point Campaign for the Weird War I setting that focuses on the exploits of the American 369th Infantry Regiment, home to the African-American “Harlem Hellfighters.” The adventure follows the Hellfighters from the time the unit is attached to the French army until shortly after the Second Battle of the Marne, along with a Wendigo Tales short story.
We thank our veterans for their service!