Weird Wars: Rome from Savage Worlds FREE Audiobooks Released from Soundbooth Theater

Published On: October 5, 2021Categories: Audiobook, New Release, News

This time around, the incredibly talented folks over at Soundbooth Theater have released not one, but TWO epic and totally FREE audiobooks based on the Weird Wars: Rome setting for Savage Worlds!

First up is Without Fear written by Savage Worlds and Deadlands creator Shane Hensley and narrated by Justin Thomas James and Dorrie Sacks:

“Gladiator, Magnus Bos, remembers little before the fight with the strange gray beast of Aegyptus. Some say that battle left him addled, simple… even dumb. But it also left the Thracian without fear. Perhaps this is why the slave is purchased by a strange cabal and taken to a cursed village on a distant isle – and the strangest arena of his life.”

The second Savage Story of Weird Wars: Rome is With Utmost Dispatch, from renowned author and game designer Aaron Rosenberg and narrated by Jeff Hays and Hannibal Hills:

“Legionary, Titus Aetius, is tasked with hunting down a deserter who just so happens to be his best friend of a decade and fellow soldier. But Titus isn’t the only hunter stalking the dark forests of Gaul. The deserter’s trail disappears in a blood-soaked and empty village. Torn between honor and loyalty, Titus must find some way to outwit his officers, save his friend, and survive whatever horror has ravaged the countryside… with utmost dispatch.”

Download With Utmost Dispatch and Without Fear (a With and Without double-pack of imperial adventures) from Soundbooth Theater today! And be sure to grab all the other Savage Worlds-inspired audiobooks while you’re there including A Clear Understanding of Honor by John Wick and Purgatory by Ed Stark.

If you like what you hear, please rate and review these audiobooks to ensure we can bring even more Savage Worlds excitement to your ears!