What Do You LOVE About Savage Worlds?

Published On: February 15, 2022Categories: News

All this year, we’re reaching out to YOU to help us celebrate the depth and variety of Savage Worlds across social media.

Every Monday, share a brief summary of your weekend game session, a Savage Worlds shelfie, an unboxing video, or links to your podcast or live stream. Tag it with #weplaysavageworlds and your post might just be featured in our weekly newsletter!

This time around, in honor of Valentine’s Day, LOVE for Savage Worlds is in the air and here are a few of our favorite posts and Tweets from this week:

Over in the Official Savage Worlds Facebook Group, Cory Dershem shared a post about his recent Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds session, and how he introduced the game to an enthusiastic group of first-time players with great success!

We also heard from fans like Shawn Merrow who praised the versatility of Savage Worlds and its numerous settings.

On Twitter, user @TableCatGames celebrated the Savage Worlds combat system, skill system, and chase rules, all in one Tweet!

Meanwhile, @youseethehat plugged their absolute favorite card from the Savage Worlds Adventure Deck, the very appropriate Love Interest card. @POCGamer talked about how much he adores the “pick up and start” aspect of Savage Worlds. While @SavageEberron shared their love for those who actually PLAY the game. 💖

If you’re not following our official socials, find Pinnacle Entertainment Group on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Reddit, and be sure to get your own posts up in time for next week’s news. Don’t forget to tag ’em #weplaysavageworlds!